Winter Break Food Drive – Toys? – Part 1

Winter Break Food Drive – Toys? – Part 1

This year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many families have been struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table, with the loss of many jobs cutting off their source of income. This hits especially hard with college students who have kids. They have to pay the many different fees that come with college, along with providing for their children. This is true at the San Diego Mesa Community College. They have a small preschool/daycare called the Mesa College Child Development Center (CDC). The CDC supports around 40 preschoolers.

During the pandemic, the CDC provides bags of groceries, such as eggs, bread, and milk, to help address some of their students’ food insecurity. However, the CDC is closed for the winter break, and will not be giving out food.

The CDC contacted Picky Eats in October to see if we would be interested in working on a volunteer project together to help the parents buy food during winter break. We gladly accepted this opportunity!

I decided to chip in on the last food delivery before break, on December 14th, to help the families make it through the winter break. I wanted to give out grocery debit cards to be used at a grocery store, but then I thought: If families can’t afford food, they definitely can’t afford presents! And with that, the Picky Eats Food and Toy drive was born.

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